About MEOC
Mountain Empire Older Citizens, Inc. was organized in 1974 and is designated as the area agency on aging and public transit provider for Wise, Lee and Scott counties and City of Norton in the southwestern tip of Virginia in the mountains of central Appalachia. In addition, MEOC directs Healthy Families for Southwest Virginia, the Mountain Laurel Cancer Support and Resource Center, and the Southwest Virginia Children’s Advocacy Center.
Age and eligibility guidelines for MEOC’s programs and services differ according to funding source, level of functioning of the individual seeking service, and available resources.
Click here to contact MEOC for specific information, to make a referral, or to volunteer. MEOC is very dependent on the valuable contributions of volunteers of all ages.
Mountain Empire Older Citizens is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Mountain Empire Older Citizens, Inc. is governed by an eight-member board of directors including representatives from each of the localities in the agency’s service area. The board meets the third Tuesday of February, April, June, August, October and December at 10 a.m. at MEOC’s administrative office building, 1501 3rd Ave. E., Big Stone Gap, Va.
The Advisory Council on Aging provides advice and technical assistance to MEOC on all matters relating to development and administration of the area plan and operations carried out under the plan. The council meets quarterly on the second Thursday of March, June, September and December at 10:30 a.m. at MEOC’s administrative office building.
Senior Management
- Michael K. Wampler, Executive Director
- Stephanie R. Sprinkle, Chief Financial Officer
Board of Directors
- A.J. Hatmaker, Chair, Lee County
- Ethel Daniels, Vice-Chair, City of Norton
- Nancy Bailey, Wise County
- Eleanor S. Cantrell, M.D., Wise County
- Pamela Collie-Price, Wise County
- Gretchen Cope, Scott County
- Steve Garrett, Lee County
- Kim Dorton, Scott County