Heating & Cooling Assistance
Emergency Fuel Fund for the Elderly
Established in 1975, the Emergency Fuel Fund for the Elderly assists older persons with payment of electric bills and purchase of wood, coal, propane and heating oil from local businesses. The program is supported solely by private donations from individuals, churches, civic groups and local businesses. No state or federal funding is provided to this fund. Assistance is provided annually between November 1 and March 31. To be eligible, you must live in MEOC’s service area, be at least age 60 and be at or below 150 percent of federal poverty guidelines. The program’s largest annual fundraiser, the MEOC Walkathon, is held in May.
Senior Cool Care
Senior Cool Care, sponsored by Dominion Energy and administered by Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services, provides fans or air conditioners to older individuals during the hot summer months on a first-come, first-served basis. To qualify, an individual must be at least age 60, live in Lee, Scott or Wise counties or Norton and be at or below 150 percent of federal poverty guidelines. The program runs annually from June 1 to September 30.

Emergency Fuel Fund Walkathon
The Emergency Fuel Fund’s major fundraiser, the annual Walkathon, is held the first Sunday afternoon of May each year. The annual walkathon raises approximately $165,000 in this one-day event and is a tribute to the community support and involvement cultivated by MEOC over the years and the cultural tradition of the region to meet basic needs of its older people. This is one of MEOC’s longest running programs and it assists over 1100 elderly people each winter.