Make A Donation to MEOC
There are many ways to support the community service efforts of Mountain Empire Older Citizens. Your contributions make a real difference. If you are making a donation, MEOC is exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, therefore your gift is tax-deductible to the full extent provided by law. MEOC is a nonprofit organization operating since 1974. Our federal tax identification number is 541025257.
You should consult your financial planner or tax adviser to determine the exact tax advantages of any gift you are considering. We provide a receipt for all online donating that can be used to claim a tax deduction. If you need a need a receipt for your annual giving please call 1-800-252-6362.
Online Donations
Other Methods of Making Donations
By Phone:
Local: 1-276-523-4202
Toll Free: 1-800-252-6362
By Mail:
Mountain Empire Older Citizens, Inc.
PO Box 888
Big Stone Gap, VA 24219
By Email: