Foster grandparents take part in Day of Service

With limited access to public schools during the pandemic, MEOC’s AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers observed the September 11 Day of Service differently than in past years but still found a way to give back to the community. AmeriCorps Seniors (formerly the Foster Grandparent Program) participants filled 50 gift bags with items to donate to the agency’s Public Guardianship Program. The Public Guardianship Program serves indigent adults who have been determined by the court system to need a guardian or conservator.
Eleven foster grandparents rotated shifts throughout Friday’s Day of Service. Each packed five bags with a variety of items and a special note that will be delivered to guardianship program participants. Items in the bags include: pillowcase, snacks, colored pencils, pretzels, gum, an activity pack and more.
Foster grandparents who participated are: Linda Boggs, Nancy Hass, Sharon K. Mullins, Tammy Robinson, Cheryl Asbury, Pam Allen, Opal Muncy, Thelma Welch, Shirley Cassidy, Dorothy Bishop and Charles ‘Wally’ Alspaugh.
“This Day of Service looked very different than prior years due to COVID. However, these volunteers are always giving back to the community in big and small ways,” said Foster Grandparent Program Director Brandi Barnette.
“Since most schools are remote and access is restricted for the foster grandparents right now, this was an opportunity for them to continue to demonstrate service in another capacity. I cannot think of a more deserving group than the Public Guardianship Program to benefit from this activity,” added Barnette.
For more information about any MEOC programs, call the agency at (276) 523-4202.
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